This page presents the Decawave Module Open Software Development Kit (DMOSDK).


The Decawave Module Open Software Development Kit (DMOSDK) is a framework developed by the IRIT RMESS team in order to facilitate the integration of Decawave’s UWB modules in standard software libraries used in the industry.

Official repository:

Included software


  • Software configuration through a menuconfig
  • Compilation using GCC toolchain
  • Board-based debug configuration

Supported Hardware

Required software

  • arm-none-eabi-gcc
  • make
  • python3

Getting started

Have a look under the examples directory


To generate a binary for the DWM1001:

  • Create a directory for your project
  • Write a Makefile that define DWM1001_FRAMEWORK_PATH and includes build_tools/
  • Configure the software libraries with make menuconfig
  • Write your application’s code with at least a main function
  • Compile with make

Code documentation

Source code documentation is generated using Doxygen:

  • Navigate to doc folder
  • Run ./

Using a Docker image

To avoid dealing with the tools’ installation, a Dockerfile to build an all-in-one image is provided under docker

To build the image, run:

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile .

Compilation and debug can be done inside a container:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/dmosdk iritrmess/dmosdk:latest


DMOSDK is distributed under the GPLv3 license. Please refer to the LICENSE file.